What’s new with FRM 9.0?
The new FRM 9.0 launch includes features that will impact your user experience, implementation and ongoing support.

Editable Grids
Increase productivity and efficiency by editing records from within the view results, without opening each record. Use keyboard shortcuts similar to Excel to quickly navigate and edit records.

Upgraded Outlook Synchronization
Automatically map email recipients to FRM contacts, leads, or users. Quickly add recipients to FRM database or set regarding with a single click, add an appointment, or create a task. Save time when composing a message using email templates. Add and attach sales literature or knowledge base articles when you’re creating an email message or appointment.

Multi-Select Options Sets
Creating views and forms is easier than ever with revamped filtering and searching capabilities. Advanced Find is also re-designed to account for these. Views can be filtered and form lists are searchable.

Virtual Entities
The ultimate integration feature for enterprise franchisors allows FRM to connect users with legacy databases, without the need for building complicated integrations or synchronization processes. Enjoy all the power user features of FRM including advanced find, views, reports, forms, and search.
Knowledge Base Articles
An enhanced knowledge library makes sharing knowledge article templates easy. Users create new posts and re-use common content, building a structured base that leads to organizational consistency.

New Module!
Franchisee Product Ordering
Extending the capability of our Franchisee Gateway, franchisees can now place orders for supplies and products. Franchisees build a cart, purchase products, and enter the order management center where you can track payment status, inventory, and shipments. Or integrate Product Ordering with your preferred ERP system so your back office can manage payments and shipments through your enterprise accounting platform.
New Features!
Building upon our robust Royalty Management module, we now support several new royalty calculation rate structures, and a streamlined interface for processing royalty invoices. Support international franchisees with international currency sales reporting. Additional support for multi-brand franchisors. Post invoices to your preferred ERP system so your back office can manage payments and accounts receivable.